Fee and Free Resources:
About Our Organization’s Business Model

People keep writing us thanking us for addressing the personal healing, the human dynamics and the legal side of domestic abuse. Many point out their frustration about how there is so little out there informing victims of domestic violence about how the system works and how they can work with the system to both protect themselves and heal the harm.

We offer many resources on the social-psychological-legal politics (and practicalities) of domestic abuse and how to best protect oneself while seeking safety. We take the liberty to speak and write candidly about these issues because we do not rely on funding from entities that sometimes re-victimize domestic abuse survivors. We are primarily a fee-for-service nonprofit organization. And we tell it like it is...openly.

Now one of the reasons our Internet offerings originally became fee-for-services/products is because many public funders supporting 501(c)3 organizations are not in a position to fund Internet resource hubs. Here’s why. The people these Internet hubs impact expands beyond most funders geographical area of interest. This website helps women and men worldwide.

So if you want the services and products made available from this nonprofit website, we welcome you to drink from the well. If on the other hand you are looking only to secure free information about domestic abuse, we invite you to benefit from the free resources that we make available to our visitors and email subscribers.

We know you have choices in where you go to acquire knowledge when you need it and we appreciate the opportunity to contribute to your education, growth and healing.

The proceeds from sales on this website support the work of Partners in Prevention, a 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to helping individuals, families and healthcare professionals to recognize and end domestic abuse. Thank you for helping to prevent domestic abuse.

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