About Us

The Inspiration for Partners in Prevention

Partners in Prevention grew out of Dr. Jeanne King's desire to fill a healthcare provider need far too prevalent in the United States today. A need which when effectively addressed does the following:

  1. helps victims/survivors of domestic abuse, and also,
  2. bridges healthcare delivery and domestic abuse victim advocacy.

Subsequent to her own personal encounter with domestic abuse, Dr. King chose to let her experience inspire her to help others. She shifted her professional focus from bio-behavioral medicine to domestic abuse intervention and prevention.

Dr. King became a professional speaker, addressing audiences coast-to-coast, and discovered healthcare professionals had the greatest thirst and need with respect to training in domestic abuse intervention and prevention.

Consistently, she heard healthcare providers concerns about:

the awkwardness of broaching the subject of domestic violence,

the difficulty in seeing beyond their own personal biases and judgments,

their lack of clarity in therapeutic communications,

the impact of domestic violence on the health of their patients, and

the frustration of patients tossing the referral number, rather than acting on it.

Healthcare audiences repeatedly asked Dr. King to help them help their patients see what's so obvious-looking from the outside in. Physicians and nurses nationwide wanted to know, "How do I shine light?" for patients who are being abused.

As a psychologist, it occurred to Dr. King that their difficulty in doing this was predominately because they hadn't acquired the skill set necessary for awakening awareness under these circumstances.

The Broader Vision

Partners in Prevention's broader vision is to bridge psychological services, medically-based healthcare delivery, and domestic abuse victim advocacy. Our belief is that once this is done, we can expect the 30-year old statistic of one out of every three women estimated to encounter a domestic assault in her lifetime to significantly diminish.

Partners in Prevention Operating Mission Statement

We are dedicated to preventing domestic violence and intervening when abuse is recognized. Through consulting, training and speaking, we inspire and teach nurses, physicians and therapists nationwide to recognize domestic violence, facilitate change and restore healing for the abused patients they serve.

Our Board of Directors

Dr. King

Jeanne King, Ph.D., works with healthcare providers on recognizing domestic abuse, and interfacing with and clinically managing patients who are victims of abuse. She is a seasoned psychologist, published author and leading expert in identifying the subtle communication patterns of battering relationships.

Dr. King serves as a consulting expert in criminal and civil cases of domestic violence, and offers keynotes and training for government and healthcare organizations nationwide. Her work is known as the bridge between psychology, healthcare and domestic abuse victim advocacy.
Dr. Jeanne King's Full Biography

Rosemary King

Rosemary L. King, graduated from Georgia State University with a degree in Spanish. After teaching high school Spanish for fifteen years, she worked as an intelligence analyst with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation utilizing her language skills and working on the Missing Children Squad.

Currently, Rosemary serves as a court interpreter involved in domestic violence cases from the time of arrest until sentencing. Her goal now is to help Partners in Prevention realize its dream in helping others to prevent child and spouse abuse.
Rosemary King's Full Biography

Steve Rose

Steve Rose, works with CEO's - entrepreneurs - sales people - midlevel managers - network marketers to achieve results and fulfillment on their own terms. As former National Marketing Director for a major motivational training company, Steve has trained success coaches, conducted dozens of mission/vision, sales, communication, time management, and goals workshops throughout the United States.

Profiled in several publications and is the author of the e-zine arizonacoach, Steve is a certified independent success and health coach with one purpose, to motivate people to their full potential. He has inspired Partners in Prevention from its inception.

Wes Hahn

Wesley Hahn has been on both sides of the abuse dynamic. He's been the abuser and he's been the abused. And from everything he's seen, he believes we need to do as much as possible to prevent abuse.

He strives to help others become aware when they are being abused, so they can have the freedom within themselves to walk away without feeling guilty.

A business man of over 30 years, Wes has joined Partners in Prevention to offer insight into the inner life of abuse from both sides. His perspective is heartfelt, opening doors and reaching many.

In Memory of Joseph Nicely

Joe Nicely

Joseph Nicely devoted his life and life work to helping people find peace and interpersonal harmony. Author of Visions of a 1000 Years of Peace, Joe wrote, directed and performed in theater and television.

Joe was a healer, speaker and educator. His clarity gave perspective to those whose lives he touched.

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