The Goddess Within

Artists for Change

Goddess Within

The Goddess Within CD set, designed for the healing and raising awareness of domestic violence, is an emotional portrayal, expressed through music.

This eclectic mix of music, consists of 31 songs, written to empower, inspire and assist those healing from the cycle of domestic violence. It is the first release of the non-profit society Artists For Change. Proceeds from the sale of the two CD set will benefit women's centers and domestic abuse programs.

Artists on the two CDs, include the founder of "The Goddess Within CD", Dianna Paige (whose music is featured on a number of compilations). Others include Gilli Moon (who recently won an award at the L.A. Independent Music Awards), Deborah Levoy (who has performed at Lilith Fair and is an award winning songwriter), Carly the Gypsy Butterfly, (whose music is being featured on a number of healing musical projects and in children's books) and Willow (a licensed psychotherapist, board certified music therapist and faculty member of Naropa University).

Click Player to Hear Selected Tracks

The Goddess Within Two CD set $21.99 (plus $6.80 shipping/handling)

The proceeds from sales on this website support the work of Partners in Prevention, a 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to helping individuals, families and healthcare professionals to recognize and end domestic abuse. Thank you for helping to prevent domestic abuse.

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